My Dear Members of PAAMA UK!
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
May the Lord of mankind open unto you the gates of His mercy and may He so ordain that you are always accompanied by the supplication of His angels. Ameen.
I am pleased to inform you that Huzur Aqdas has graciously approved an extended National Executive, Regional Presidents and a Head of Lajna, details of which can be found below and in the attachments.
I believe and believe on reasonable grounds that the extended executive to include four additional departments, the establishment of a Regional and Lajna structure gives us a platform to drive agendas from the centre through to the regions as well as keeping Lajna fully involved in PAAMA affairs.
Over the next few days, I will be working with the secretaries to formulate their annual plans and objectives for their respective departments as well as establish their departmental teams. I will also be working with the Regional Presidents to install their Regional Executives and with the Head of Lajna to appoint the Regional Heads of Lajna.
I humbly request you to give them all your full support and co-operation and to remember them in prayers as they settle into their respective roles.
There is a lot of activity in the background as we seek to lay the foundations the new administration. The output and benefits from such activities, however, may not be readily visible and palpable. I therefore wish to solicit your patience and indulgence as we go through this period of transition.
Once again I humbly request your continued and earnest prayers for the success and progress of PAAMA UK.
May Allah bless you and all your dear ones. Ameen.
Yours humbly,
Tommy Kallon.
President Pan-African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK