Dear Members of PAAMA! Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. We are pleased to bring to your attention notification of upcoming PAAMA events as follows: Talim and Tarbiyyat Forum hosted by PAAMA East Region at 3pm on Saturday 30th May 2015 at Baiul Ahad, Newham, East London. Eid Milan Family Picnic at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK on Saturday 1st August 2015 starting at 11am. Pan-African Evening event during Jalsa Salana UK on Friday 21st August 2015 in the Tabligh Marquee at Hadeeqatul Mahdi. Post Jalsa Reception after Zuhr Prayers at Masjid Fazl, London, on Sunday 30th August 2015. Mauritius Centenary CommemorativeEvent at Baitul Futuh on Saturday 31st October 2015. We trust that you will diarise these events and aim to be in attendance. Please also pray for the success of these event and for the continued progress of PAAMA UK. Finally, we have the pleasure of sharing with you links to MTA News Bulletins covering two successful events held last year as follows: Abdul Wahab Adam Commemorative Event:
Conference of World Religions hosted by PAAMA Midlands Region: