On Saturday the 31st of October 2015 the Pan-African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK held a function to celebrate the centenary of the inception of Ahmadiyyat in Mauritius and Africa.
The function which took place in the Tahir hall of Baitul Futuh and was chaired by Respected Amir Sahib UK was well attended by Senior Jama’at officials including Naib Amir and Missionary In-charge Maulana Ata ul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Naib Amir Mansoor Shah Sahib, General Secretary Rana Mashood Sahib as well as National Secretaries and Regional Amirs.
Following recitation from the Holy Quran and English translation by Maulana Ata ul Qayyum Joomun and Mr Ahmed Owusu respectively, Mr Tommy Kallon, President of PAAMA UK, delivered the welcome address. He used his address to apprise the audience of the purpose of the event and reminded the PAAMA members of their responsibilities as African Ahmadis. A brief history of Ahmadiyyat in Mauritius was then presented by Humayon Jahangheerkhan of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK. He said Mauritius was the first country of Africa to be enabled to accept the message of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi through the pioneer Missionary Hadhrat Sufi Ghulam Muhammad (ra) from India. Referring to a place in Mauritius called ‘Corner of the World’ he said the introduction of Ahmadiyyat to Mauritius constituted a glaring fulfilment of the prophecy of the Promised Messiah, ‘I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the earth.’ A message from Amir of Mauritius in Creole language was also read by Mr Abdullah Jheengoor and was rendered into English by Mr Khalid Bhunnoo. Finally Amir Sahib UK delivered the Keynote address and led the silent prayer before a break for Ishaa prayers. Dinner was served after Ishaa.
In his keynote address Amir Sahib praised the Mauritius community for their dedication and hard work. He also made reference to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V’s visit to Mauritius where Huzur had praised the Jama’at of Mauritius and fervently prayed for them. Amir Sahib said it was during his visit to Mauritius that Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV announced the beginning of the 24-Hour broadcast of MTA. Amir Sahib also commended the Pan-African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association for their continuous progress over the years through the efforts of the previous and current administrations.
In the past PAAMA has celebrated the 50th independence anniversaries of various African countries marking the liberation of these countries from colonial rule. This event was to mark the beginning of the anniversaries celebration of the spiritual liberation of Africa.
The session was a very successful one in terms of organisation and attendance with some travelling from as far as France and Germany to attend.