Saturday 27th November 2021
The fourth annual Pan-African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK Women’s Personal Development Workshop was held on Saturday the 27th of November 2021. Like last year’s workshop, we held this event virtually due to the restrictions in place because of Covid-19.
The event was held over Zoom with 71 participants in attendance for the first session and 65 attendees for the second session.
We opened the workshop with a prayer and recitation of the Holy Qur’an: Surah Al-Mujadala Verses 9 to 12 by Bilqis Bakare Sahiba, Lajna President for PAAMA Midlands. This was followed by a Qaseedah by Mariama Drammeh Sahiba, Lajna President for PAAMA South.
In her Welcome Address, Mrs. Faosat Sanni, Lajna President for PAAMA UK, thanked all the participants for making the sacrifice to attend the event. Mrs Sanni encouraged all Lajna mothers to join the programme with their Nasirat to reap the full benefits of the programme. Sadr Sahiba reminded us of the true meaning of the Lajna Pledge and the promise we make each time we recite the pledge. Sadr Sahiba reminding us to act as each other’s keeper especially during the pandemic where many are isolated due to lack of face-to-face events. She concluded her address by encouraging us all to fulfil our roles as Muslim women.
The first talk of the day began with Guest speaker Dr Kafayat Kehinde Lamidi who is the CEO of Global Self-Education Platform- Centre for Entrepreneurship, Employability & Leadership. Dr Lamidi spoke on the importance of etiquettes, protocols and how to apply this both within a workplace environment and within PAAMA. Dr Lamidi spoke in depth about the dos and don’ts of teamwork, team building and maintaining healthy social and workplace connections as well as the importance of incorporating etiquette in our day to day lives.
The second speaker was another guest speaker; Dr Florian Ruths who is a Consultant Psychiatrist at Maudsley NHS Hospital in London. Dr Ruths discussed Mental Health Awareness, particularly within the BAME community and outlined the many triggering effects that can affect our Mental Health. The presentation was very informative and presented avenues where members of the public could seek help and the many different organisations and therapy techniques available if they felt medical assistance was needed. The presentation was well received and garnered a range of questions from both Lajna and Nasirat to Dr Ruths regarding how we could improve our mental health.
The final speaker of the morning session was Clarence Kuyoro Oluwa who is a financial advisor. He offered his expertise on purchasing a property in the UK and how to get on the property ladder. Clarence presented advice and information regarding securing a mortgage from the bank and gave informative tips for first time buyers. He also spoke to us about how to achieve personal financial goals. This proved to be another popular topic and when Clarence offered an open floor to answer questions several Lajna took advantage of his area of expertise and asked several questions surrounding fiscal responsibility and attainable financial goals.
There was a recess to enable attendees to break for Zuhr and Asr prayers. The Workshop resumed with Qur’an recitation by Sakina Bonsu Sahiba of Midlands Region.
Following the Qur’an recitation, the next session was an open forum and inter-generation conversation. This was particularly interesting as speakers from all ages partook in this conversation.
Four members of the older generation were invited to speak for a few minutes on a topic that was near and dear to their heart. Hajia Hameeda Addo Sahiba opened this segment by discussing the importance of observing purdah and watching MTA, particularly our beloved Huzoor’s Friday sermons. This was followed by Mrs Ayesha Boateng Sahiba who spoke about kindness and charity in Islam and encouraged us as Ahmadi Muslims to implement kindness in our everyday lives and to be kind to fellow mankind and all living things.
Hajia Hassana Sulleyman Sahiba spoke about the importance of performing Hajj as a Muslim and implored us to make this pilgrimage, she also expressed how imperative it is for us to make financial sacrifices and make effort to participate in paying chanda. Mrs Salamat Ghaffar Sahiba ended this portion of the inter-generational conversation by speaking to us about the importance of obedience to parents and striving to learn our mother tongue.
Conversations were also held between Lajna and Nasirat where Nasirat were given the opportunity to ask Lajna any questions they desired and vice versa. A range of questions were asked around topics such as life back home, school, career choices, modesty, hijab and prayers.
Once the floor was opened for open discussions, Lajna contributed greatly regarding topics such as education, career choices, marriage, obedience to parents, and integrating into society as Muslim women and children.
Dr Fariha Khan, National Sadr Lajna Imaillah UK joined us via a pre recorded message. In her address, she encouraged us to continue engage the youth into successfully integration in the Jamaat and to provide a listening ear to any challenges they may face. Dr Khan also highlighted the challenges faced in finding suitable marriage matches and encouraged PAAMA to reach out.
Dr Khan discussed updates on the Lajna Imaillah UK Centenary Project Maternity Hospital in Sierra Leone and encouraged members to participate in this blessed project.
A fun and interactive Kahoot quiz which was based on Islamic and general knowledge.
The day ended with a vote of thanks by chairperson Amatul Mujeeb Owusu-Konadu Sahiba, who thanked her team for their diligent work and all speakers and participants for taking the time to contribute and attend the workshop. Closing silent prayer was done by PAAMA Lajna Sadr Mrs Faosat Sanni.
Fatimah Boateng-Dawood
November 2021
Saturday 27th November 2021
The fourth annual Pan-African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK Women’s Personal Development Workshop was held on Saturday the 27th of November 2021. Like last year’s workshop, we held this event virtually due to the restrictions in place because of Covid-19.
The event was held over Zoom with 71 participants in attendance for the first session and 65 attendees for the second session.
We opened the workshop with a prayer and recitation of the Holy Qur’an: Surah Al-Mujadala Verses 9 to 12 by Bilqis Bakare Sahiba, Lajna President for PAAMA Midlands. This was followed by a Qaseedah by Mariama Drammeh Sahiba, Lajna President for PAAMA South.
In her Welcome Address, Mrs. Faosat Sanni, Lajna President for PAAMA UK, thanked all the participants for making the sacrifice to attend the event. Mrs Sanni encouraged all Lajna mothers to join the programme with their Nasirat to reap the full benefits of the programme. Sadr Sahiba reminded us of the true meaning of the Lajna Pledge and the promise we make each time we recite the pledge. Sadr Sahiba reminding us to act as each other’s keeper especially during the pandemic where many are isolated due to lack of face-to-face events. She concluded her address by encouraging us all to fulfil our roles as Muslim women.
The first talk of the day began with Guest speaker Dr Kafayat Kehinde Lamidi who is the CEO of Global Self-Education Platform- Centre for Entrepreneurship, Employability & Leadership. Dr Lamidi spoke on the importance of etiquettes, protocols and how to apply this both within a workplace environment and within PAAMA. Dr Lamidi spoke in depth about the dos and don’ts of teamwork, team building and maintaining healthy social and workplace connections as well as the importance of incorporating etiquette in our day to day lives.
The second speaker was another guest speaker; Dr Florian Ruths who is a Consultant Psychiatrist at Maudsley NHS Hospital in London. Dr Ruths discussed Mental Health Awareness, particularly within the BAME community and outlined the many triggering effects that can affect our Mental Health. The presentation was very informative and presented avenues where members of the public could seek help and the many different organisations and therapy techniques available if they felt medical assistance was needed. The presentation was well received and garnered a range of questions from both Lajna and Nasirat to Dr Ruths regarding how we could improve our mental health.
The final speaker of the morning session was Clarence Kuyoro Oluwa who is a financial advisor. He offered his expertise on purchasing a property in the UK and how to get on the property ladder. Clarence presented advice and information regarding securing a mortgage from the bank and gave informative tips for first time buyers. He also spoke to us about how to achieve personal financial goals. This proved to be another popular topic and when Clarence offered an open floor to answer questions several Lajna took advantage of his area of expertise and asked several questions surrounding fiscal responsibility and attainable financial goals.
There was a recess to enable attendees to break for Zuhr and Asr prayers. The Workshop resumed with Qur’an recitation by Sakina Bonsu Sahiba of Midlands Region.
Following the Qur’an recitation, the next session was an open forum and inter-generation conversation. This was particularly interesting as speakers from all ages partook in this conversation.
Four members of the older generation were invited to speak for a few minutes on a topic that was near and dear to their heart. Hajia Hameeda Addo Sahiba opened this segment by discussing the importance of observing purdah and watching MTA, particularly our beloved Huzoor’s Friday sermons. This was followed by Mrs Ayesha Boateng Sahiba who spoke about kindness and charity in Islam and encouraged us as Ahmadi Muslims to implement kindness in our everyday lives and to be kind to fellow mankind and all living things.
Hajia Hassana Sulleyman Sahiba spoke about the importance of performing Hajj as a Muslim and implored us to make this pilgrimage, she also expressed how imperative it is for us to make financial sacrifices and make effort to participate in paying chanda. Mrs Salamat Ghaffar Sahiba ended this portion of the inter-generational conversation by speaking to us about the importance of obedience to parents and striving to learn our mother tongue.
Conversations were also held between Lajna and Nasirat where Nasirat were given the opportunity to ask Lajna any questions they desired and vice versa. A range of questions were asked around topics such as life back home, school, career choices, modesty, hijab and prayers.
Once the floor was opened for open discussions, Lajna contributed greatly regarding topics such as education, career choices, marriage, obedience to parents, and integrating into society as Muslim women and children.
Dr Fariha Khan, National Sadr Lajna Imaillah UK joined us via a pre recorded message. In her address, she encouraged us to continue engage the youth into successfully integration in the Jamaat and to provide a listening ear to any challenges they may face. Dr Khan also highlighted the challenges faced in finding suitable marriage matches and encouraged PAAMA to reach out.
Dr Khan discussed updates on the Lajna Imaillah UK Centenary Project Maternity Hospital in Sierra Leone and encouraged members to participate in this blessed project.
A fun and interactive Kahoot quiz which was based on Islamic and general knowledge.
The day ended with a vote of thanks by chairperson Amatul Mujeeb Owusu-Konadu Sahiba, who thanked her team for their diligent work and all speakers and participants for taking the time to contribute and attend the workshop. Closing silent prayer was done by PAAMA Lajna Sadr Mrs Faosat Sanni.
Fatimah Boateng-Dawood
November 2021