By the Grace of Allah, despite the covid pandemic, it has been a very busy and eventful year for PAAMA ladies. Alhamdulillah through the use technology we were able to hold various online events; except the annual national & regional fun days.
Key highlights of the year under consideration included:
1. Tarbiyat Fora: held over 3 days – 9th, 12th and 20th April 2020
The first one was on:
Submission to husbands – its blessings & challenges
It was an open and experience-sharing event on the challenges and blessings of submissions to husbands according to the teachings of Islam. Many troubling and worrisome findings on the challenges faced by women were highlighted. It got so interesting and educative and further discussions was scheduled for another date.
Report of the event was later presented to Huzur for his guidance. The findings and highlights of this event were also shared by PAAMA President at the two joints PAAMA Marriage Fora held later in the year.
Second Tarbiyya Forum – the rights of women in Islam – on 12th April 2020.
The first discussions on the 9th April were summarised and concluded. The discussions centred on the rights of women as highlighted by the teaching of Islam. Ladies were reminded that they do not have business with feminism and many women’s rights groups’ suggestions mounting up in the world today.
Islam has given us all the needed rights and privileges over 1400 years ago which the western world women began to enjoy in the 18th century. If we do not want our women to follow feminism advocacy, we need to promote the credible, logical, blessed alternatives provided by Islam among our men and women
Third Tarbiyya Forum – General Welfare Discussion – 20th April 2020
Another forum and this time, a discussion centred on self-care, Parenting Challenges, Ramadan and general issues/chatting.
2. Join the conversation Event – 8th August 2020
A conversational forum with the aim of educating women on finance matters, have an open and honest conversation with each other, encourage engagement and broader participation in overall Jammat activities. Some of the topics discussed were:
- Women and Finance
- Mental health issues within the black community
- How to move PAAMA forward and more participation in overall jammat activities
The finance talk was delivered by Hajia Sherifat Olajumoke Seriki, a Senior Director from World Financial Group, Canada while the mental health issues was led by Sister Fatimah Demba, the National Health & Fitness National Secretary. There were contributions from applicable professionals among members in the areas discussed.
3. Personal Development Workshop (28th November 2020)
This event continues to be one of the highly anticipated ladies-only events with continued high attendance, even virtually. It was always interactive, educative and fun. The event was facilitated by both internal and external professionals and continues to prove to be hugely successful MashaAllah.
The topics discussed included:
- Financial literacy
- Rishta Nata Matters – getting involved & taking responsibilities
- Female health and cancer awareness
- Getting the Best Education for your child
Respected Sadr Lajna Imaillah UK, Dr Fariha Khan, graced the workshop with her presence and made vital contributions.
In our resolve to continue to give our young PAAMA girls and boys a platform to express themselves at our various events, two of our young girls, Rahmat Bayo and Bareera Gaffar, were given opportunities to make presentation on any topic of their choice. Rahmat and Bareera made very enlightening presentations on Peer Pressure and My Academic journey respectively. Sadr Lajna Imaillah UK was so impressed with the girls presentations and requested for Rahmat’s talks to be uploaded on Lajna Imaillah UK website.
Full report of the workshop was submitted to Huzoor for his perusal and prayers. He acknowledged receipt of the report and prayed for us.
4. Nasirat Dialogue Event (6th February 2021)
The PAAMA Nasirat dialogue is a new initiative with the aim of engaging and encouraging our girls to hold steadfast to their faith, give them confidence and opportunity to talk to them, share experiences on the national lockdown and learn more in a safe, non- judgmental environment. This programme was well received by both Nasirat and mothers and was very successful. On the day, the girls did most of the talking on the topics of their choice, with few mums in the background for guidance and to take notes of the concerns and issues raised by the girls.
The only two topics discussed by lajna members to the girls were:
- Healthy eating
- Social media: the benefits and dangers
Interactive dialogue
One of the issues that generated so many comments from the girls was the talk on self-identity and self-image faced in the society.
How to bridge the gaps between mothers and girls were also discussed. Mothers were encouraged to always understand and listen to their girls. (Full report attached)
5. International Women’s day (13th March 2021)
Over the years, we have always held International Women Day in collaboration with our local jammats but in 2021 the ladies held IWD as a stand-alone Tabligh event to commemorate the day on Sat 13th March 2021, with the theme – Promoting the Muslim Women’s Representation.
We have in attendance:
PAAMA Lajna Presidents from USA, France, Canada, Rep. from Germany and few of their members.
Deputy President, France Sister Yasmin Haddoui was also present.
Sadran Lajna from – Nigeria, Jamaica and rep. of Ghana.
Our four panellists; all Ahmadis were from Nigeria (lives in Gambia), Ghana, USA and UK. We have a total consistent attendance of 133
Sadr Lajna UK, Dr Fariha Khan was the Guest of Honour and she said, she was pleasantly amazed to see ladies from our home countries who have so much to share. Few non-PAAMA members from UK also attended.
Allah made it all very beautiful, sweet and very inspiring as many sisters contributed to the discussions.
6. Special mention
By special mention one of our Deputy PAAMA Lajna Presidents; Hajia Tawakalitu Ahmed was part of the Humanity First Ladies Team that helped during the ongoing pandemic. She is one of only six female call handlers who offered assistance via the helpline to those requiring support as well as those lonely or going through mental distress.
Other National Events
Our members continued to take active interests and participation in Lajna Imaillah programmes especially now that our Sadr Lajna UK, Dr Fariha Khan has been operating open door, collaboration and inclusive policies towards all members. We hope this will continue for the progress of the divine jammat.
PAAMA ladies continue to play prominent roles in the planning, coordination and execution of all programmes held by PAAMA UK both at regional and national levels, apart from the ladies-only events highlighted above.
By the Grace of Allah this year, many more programmes were held. These events included – Remembrance Service, Marriage Fora, Cyber security seminar, family and parenting talks, Tabligh events, Covid related/health talks awareness
Regular Events
1. Monthly Meetings
National Amla has continued the tradition of monthly conference call meetings to enable us to keep up to date, share information, learn and increase participation. Regions also hold monthly meetings both for Amla and members.
2. Visitations
Due to national lockdown as a result of the pandemic, we were unable to continue visitations in accordance with our welfare agenda. Instead, we continued this by making phone calls and enquiring on the health of others and identifying with members on various occasions – in time of happiness and otherwise – births, marriages, graduation, bereavements, sickness and different life blessings and challenges. This is done at National and Regional and Local levels led by the Presidents and Khiqat haq Secretaries
3. Online Quran classes
Ladies are taking part in different online Quran classes in their respective regions and the one specifically for PAAMA members and other English Speakers run by Hafiz Fazle Rabbi Sahib which started on 22nd September 2021.
All praise are due to Allah the Lord of the worlds.
Mrs Faosat Sanni Mrs Fatimah Boateng-Dawood
Lajna President, PAAMA UK General Secretary, PAAMA UK
April 2021 April 2021
Attachments: 3
Personal Dev. Workshop report -28/11/2020
Nasirat Dialogue Report – 06/02/2021
International Women’s Day Report – 13/03/2021